You Will Learn How To:

  • Deliver robust mobile business applications and integrate with enterprise systems
  • Create intuitive, reliable software using activities, services and intents
  • Design UIs that work seamlessly with a range of phones and tablets
  • Share data with system and applications using providers
  • Integrate applications with enterprise web and location-based services

Hands-On Experience:

  • Creating an Android application from the ground up
  • Building the UI using the Android Studio GUI tools
  • Composing the user interface from Fragments
  • Integrating applications with the SQLite database
  • Developing a content provider and binding to a list


The tools that we use for custom android application development projects are of very high standard. Our experienced team of 1 years is more than capable of designing any app you imagine into a fully functional android application. Android applications that we develop are made using java programming language along with the Android SDK.

The development of the Android application of your dreams is carefully monitored with support software like debuggers, external libraries, database management systems, which not only add super exiting features to the android application but also make it exciting and interesting for the end user. Along with this, our Android application development framework consists of a mix of external technologies like C, C++, GPS enabled services.

We used Android Studio and Download SDK tools and platforms using the SDK Manager for application Devlopment .